Come be a part of our team! No specific skill set is needed, just a willingness to work and get your hands dirty. There are plenty of projects ahead, and once you've signed up, you'll be matched up to projects that match your skills and desires.
To be a volunteer at Kentucky Steam Heritage Corporation, there are just a few requirements that must be met. These are all done electronically and take about a day to process.
Sign up for any one of our attractive memberships - anywhere from a volunteer to a major contributor!
Email us requesting a volunteer interview. We will contact you after you have submitted this request.
Once we get your signup, you will be emailed a link for a mandatory volunteer background check. We have negotiated the rate of our background checks to an affordable $19 one-time fee*
Once we review all this information, we will send you the volunteer rules, expectations, and contract. Sign it and get it back to us and you are good to go and we will provide you with more training and information.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at info@kentuckysteam.org